Lilith in the 8th House

Before exploring the attributes of Lilith in the 8th house, we should mention that the article is about Black Moon Lilith. This does not imply sexual harassment, but the native probably has experienced the darker parts of sexuality even as an idea since he was young. He might have (accidentally) watched movies that show extreme sexual scenes. Alternatively, he may have been raised in environments where sex was described as rough and cruel.

As the young personโ€™s mind is a sponge, he absorbs that information deep in the subconscious, categorizing sex as a rather traumatic experience. Such a native connects sex with death, and this is what the 8th house is all about. Lilith is not a planet and is not a material object. It is the hypothetical point connected to the apogee of the Moonโ€™s orbit, the farthest spot from Earth that the Moon can reach. The Moon is not orbiting Earth in a circle but in an ellipse, and thus this calculation shows the astrological degree in the signs when the Moon transit is more distant from our planet. Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individualโ€™s natal chart.

This topographical extreme point of the Moon makes emotion and sentiments hit a low and show their cold side, and the placement of this mathematical spot signifies quite a lot of doubtful or even negative behaviors. Under oneโ€™s Lilith can hide subconscious energies of malice and self-undoing, yet it would be wrong to consider her as something mostly negative. Having Lilith in the 8th house can complicate an individualโ€™s sexual expression. It may be connected with disharmonic memories the person has concerning sexuality, obtained in his childhood.

For him, sex is a strong simulation of death. Death can many times be violent, and those darker shades are also passed towards his sexuality. An 8th house Lilith person will enjoy extreme games and BDSM, while sometimes reach even cruelty in bed. Lilith can bring fantasies of pain, torture, humiliation or even rape. It awakens the beast, the animalistic sexual depths that do not allow the flourishing of emotions. They will never indulge in having vanilla sexual relationships; they prefer everything that is rough and animalistic. In addition, the secrecy that the 8th house offers combined with the dark powers of Lilith will give them tendencies of unfaithfulness. On the contrary, they will not tolerate their partner being unfaithful; discreet spying and checking might be easily a technique they will use to control him.

Sex can become for them an uncontrolled obsession, and their affairs will be rather cruel from both sides concerning feelings. On the other hand, it will strengthen the carnal pleasure to a maximum, with both them and their partners enjoying very intense situations. With Lilith in the 8th house, an individual can become a sexual manipulator. He likes to control the desires of his partners, and feed on their sexuality. In extreme cases and with Lilith having malefic aspects, the native will become a sexual vampire. The personโ€™s sexual drive is so magical that other people find it rather difficult to defend.

An 8th house Lilith person can be compared to a Siren; singing her beautiful and seductive song to the sailors โ€“ yet being a dangerous creature that can devour. As the 8th house is the realm of Pluto, Lilith in the 8th house feeds the desire of owning other peopleโ€™s possessions. We should not forget that the house is ruling other peopleโ€™s money, and such a placement can also indicate a person that enjoys using resources of his partners. Again, in some extreme cases, this can be part of a plan. Ever heard of Black Widows, female spiders? Well, if there is a placement that can describe them, this is it! The 8th house rules death inheritance, and Lilith would easily drive such a person to wait for someone to die in order to obtain his wealth.

An ill-aspected Lilith will impose difficulties in receiving the inheritance, and generally unpleasant and dramatic situations concerning death. There is a high possibility that a death during the natives childhood has created such a traumatic pattern that will continue to reappear. 8th house Lilith creates a mystical persona and makes the chart owner rather secretive. On the other hand, the house of Pluto and Scorpio makes them particularly strong in uncovering secrets of others. Their powerful abilities are what makes them afraid that their own secrets will be uncovered by similar people, thus leading them to become over-protective about their own sensitive information.

Of course, we should keep in mind that a well-aspected Lilith does not bear all that darkness. With such aspects, the person will just have enormous sexuality, and can even use it for healing. In addition, the native will have a lot of occult powers and is advised to be careful with their implementation. Due to the fact that Lilith carries a lot of dark energy, he might feel tempted to cause malice even without a reason. In case you have such a natal placement, it is better to abstain from all types of magic until you consciously know what you use and what type of effects you want it to have on other people and you. A person with Lilith in the 8th house will battle with inner fears of failing in matters connected with this house.

The fear of death will make him use symbolical simulations of death. This is a procedure which most of the times happens unconsciously; the soul is preparing itself for the grand passage through small doses of symbolic deaths during all its lifetime. Be extremely careful of people that have their 8th house Lilith in conjunction with Pluto or Mars, or any difficult aspects of her to the โ€œmaleficsโ€. In case you have such placements, consider giving love a chance in your life. It is many times the absence of love that transforms a tender person to a vicious beast.