Natal Pluto in the 6th House

People who have their natal Pluto in the 6th house will have a very intense or even dark and hidden job. As Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house, all jobs connected to death, sex, the unknown and taboos are career possibilities for such a native. What type of these rather uncanny jobs he will follow mainly depend on other indicators, such as planets aspecting natal Pluto or also present in the house, while also the houseโ€™s ruler and possible planets in the 10th house. Nevertheless, no matter what job he chooses, it will at least sound weird to the other peopleโ€™s ears and thus might even remain hidden. Generally, 6th house Pluto people do not like to serve others and may have experienced childhood traumas with having to serve.

This planet in 6th house first indicates that it is in this sector that the role of transformation of Pluto will take place in priority. So at the level of daily activity there is often a capacity or a need to question in order to modify, renovate, transform, etc… both in work and in day-to-day activity.ย It is obvious that on the psychological level and on the level of health, Pluto will here bring a psychological level which can be often subjected to strong and intense tensions (according to its aspects), and on the physical level it will concern in particular all the risks of viral or cell proliferative problems.

With positive aspects of Saturn it will help to restructure what wants to be transformed, with more tenacity and combativeness…

  • those of Jupiter will help to find a balance in the process of transformation, and will also allow to guide and advise..
  • those of Mars will strengthen combativeness, energy, and the ability to act and to question oneself on a daily basis…
  • those of Venus will be able to give a particular vocation at the professional level…
  • those of Mercury will amplify the meaning diagnosis, research of strategy…
  • those of the Moon will improve the faculties of listening, the psychological sense…
  • those of the Sun will reinforce the capacity to transform positively and will give good faculties of recovery in the event of health problems.

With negative aspects of Saturn, the difficulty will be a lack of adaptation in case of transformation or questioning, and at the health level a risk of deficiency which can cause a Plutonian disease…

  • those of Jupiter will push to be a little marginal in the way of life, and in terms of health, it is the blood and liver function that may be weakened…
  • those of Mars will make them more aggressive and radical on a daily basis, and will amplify the risks of viral infection and inflammation…
  • those of Venus can give gynecological, renal or thyroid problems, or following an affective shock…
  • those of Mercury will make you more provocative, polemical, etc. and can give problems affecting the lungs or the nervous system..
  • those of the Moon will make people more pessimistic with sometimes a little “depressive” side, and again with risks at the gynecological, digestive level, or in any elimination function…
  • those of the Sun will push to always want to be different and therefore to badly accept the constraints imposed, and at the health level any viral problem can have repercussions on the cardiovascular level or the spine (according also to the sign of the sun).

As always, it is necessary to synthesize the aspects to Pluto taking into account the sign of the 6th house which is the backdrop of how this area is experienced.

Each planets have a different effect on you, depending on which house and sign they reside in. In order to find out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use ourย free birth chart generator. Also, examine the aspects that they form with other planets in your chart. You will understand a lot more about the detailed role that they have in your horoscope.