Natal Saturn in the 9th House

Even though Saturn is a rather malefic planet, it is quite a better placement if it resides high in the heavens during the nativeโ€™s birth. Natal Saturn in the 9th house will definitely require a lot of effort from the native in order to function well but can be highly rewarding. The individual with such a placement might be born to a very traditional family and usually has grandparents who have a very narrow perception of religion and education. They might be very pushy about these matters during his young years, forcing him to accept their own views.

This can develop an inner rejection of religion and education in the individual and heavy disappointment about how he is being taught that life functions. On the other hand, Saturn here will create the need to break these patterns that they impose, and the native will strive to find alternate explanations and ways to reach higher meanings and philosophy. Saturn might block higher education, and even if the person starts attending university, he will most probably drop out or at least freeze his studies for some time. Natal Saturn in the 9th house will bring highly conservative professors whose attitude repels the native and makes him indifferent towards their way of teaching.

The same can be said about various religious preachers; the individual sees in their eyes old patterns of thoughts and will definitely not be interested in following them. On the other hand, the barrier imposed by Saturn in these matters might become an obstacle that the native will want to overcome, especially after his Saturn Return. He will then emerge more conscious about the fact that the sole reason he dislikes education and religion is people who attempted to pass their views to him. In case that Saturn is well-aspected, the native may consciously decide to continue his education in his more mature years.

Such people are late bloomers concerning learning, and a bunch of them might even choose to take a university degree during their elder years. Saturn will require hard work and a lot of effort in order to accomplish this goal, but the native will not care about the difficulties if he feels that what he does is necessary for his inner progress. When Saturn is ill-aspected, the native will probably remain dogmatic during his whole life. The reasons are deep traumas connected with his early years; he will never trust the opinion or belief of another person and in extreme cases, this could lead to aggressive atheism, nihilism and a negative approach towards reality. Unless Saturn in the 9th house has very positive aspects from other planets, long distance travel and relocation will rather be a hassle than a pleasure.

This natal placement of the ring planet will bring various delays and disappointments, while also create lots of trouble during the journeys. Watch out for squares, conjunctions, and oppositions with Mars and Pluto; in case you have such aspects you should reconsider any ideas of living in a different country, or even visiting one for long. You will probably not be accepted well by the residents, have important cultural clashes and various minor or major difficulties may arise. If Saturn is well-aspected, there can be very rewarding journeys during the nativeโ€™s old age; by that time he is a lot more ready to blend with different cultures, traditions, and surroundings. In addition, natal Saturn in the 9th house is by no means favorable for writing and publishing while still young.

People that have this placement need first to experience life a lot, in order to broaden their horizons. Moreover, any quick attempts of work connected with writing will be doomed to fail, possibly also bringing a financial loss. Saturn needs its time in everything it is connected to, so if you have this placement concentrate on helping it expand. Do not forget that the 9th house is traditionally ruled by Jupiter and Sagittarius; thus Saturn placed here can have the necessary aid to expand. Of course, this can only be done through many efforts and a rather slow progress; nothing can be done hastily when Saturn is present.

People who have Saturn in the 9th house are lucky enough not to have Saturn in some house that is connected to personal difficulties. Yes, it might be restricting the development of their higher ideas, but usually, is not involved in problems of the body or the material surroundings. It is, therefore, a lot better to battle inside oneโ€™s mind than facing external threats. In case you have Saturn in the 9th house, it will give you a brilliant chance of consciously self-educating, developing your own system of beliefs and progressing into the spirituality of your choice. Of course, you should always remember that all these need hard work and an inner battle against the borders of your own mind. There are no other walls than the ones you choose.