When the Sun is placed in the 6th house of a natal chart, it has a very strong effect on the nativeโs perception of employment. In addition, as the 6th house rules the bodyโs condition, the presence of our bright Star will make health matters an important part of the nativeโs life. Having the natal Sun in the 6th house might be a tricky placement, especially concerning oneโs health. Even though the Sun illuminates the houseโs matters, giving a rather good vitality and an abundance of energy, difficult aspects to the Sun might complicate oneโs health. The Sun is rather vulnerable when in the sixth house; when well aspected it can act as a great shield, on the contrary, adverse aspects can create an Achilles foot to the native.
This planet in House 6 therefore shows the importance of this house above all, in which the will will mainly manifest itself.ย This can give importance to professional life where one seeks to assert oneself but more in the sense of feeling useful to others, hence also the fact of seeking rather activities that involve a service or help others.ย There is no ambition for power here (like a sun in the 10th house), which does not prevent one from knowing how to assume responsibilities.ย We find here with the Sun the possibility of diagnosing possible weak points in terms of health, especially if of course it is badly aspected (see the sign in question).ย Finally, it shows the importance of having a daily activity and the need to have a social role at this level.
The good aspects of Pluto will accentuate the combativeness in daily life and the resistance on the level of health
- those of Neptune will make you more devoted and idealistic in activity, and more sensitive to the atmosphere on the level of health
- those of Uranus will make more independent but also able to play the role of engine in the activity
- those of Saturn will give more seriousness and professional conscience, and improve the physical resistance… those of Jupiter will help to assert oneself in terms of work, and give a greater capacity for balance in terms of health
- those of Mars will make you more active, more dynamic with the need to take initiatives
- the conjunction of Venus will accentuate the need for harmony in daily life and the ability to create it
- the conjunction of Mercury will give more capacity to concretize the ideas and to express oneself in the activity
- those of the Moon will give a good general balance, a relational facility, and at the health level a good balance between the function cardiac and elimination function.
The negative aspects of Pluto will lead to confrontation and revolt in daily activity, and at the health level this accentuates the risk of viral or tumor problems:
- those of Neptune will make you too sensitive to the atmosphere and the level health a risk of nervous or psychological imbalance (depending on the sign)
- those of Uranus will make you too independent and a little marginal and in terms of health this increases the cardiovascular or cerebral risks.
- hose of Saturn will give more constraints and burdens to assume in daily life, and the risk of deficiency in health or slowing down or blocking (depending on the sign in question)
- those of Jupiter will make people too excessive and hostile to authority at work, and in terms of health, this same risk of excess may cause malfunctions
- those of Mars will create tensions and balance of power in daily activity, a lot of nervousness, and therefore at the health level a difficulty in controlling the energy plan
- the poorly aspected Venus conjunction may create difficulty in finding motivation and balance, a dysfunction of these planets at the health level
- the negative aspects of the Moon will cause some relational difficulties on a daily basis, a difficulty of adaptation, and at the health level a risk of dysfunction of the cardiovascular plan coming from the eliminatory plan or food.the poorly aspected conjunction of Venus may create difficulty in finding motivation and balance, a dysfunction of these planets in terms of health
- the negative aspects of the Moon will cause some relational difficulties on a daily basis, a difficulty in adaptation, and at the health level a risk of dysfunction of the cardiovascular plan coming from the eliminatory plan or food.the poorly aspected conjunction of Venus may create difficulty in finding motivation and balance, a dysfunction of these planets in terms of health
- the negative aspects of the Moon will cause some relational difficulties on a daily basis, a difficulty in adaptation, and at the health level a risk of dysfunction of the cardiovascular plan coming from the eliminatory plan or food.
As always, it is necessary to synthesize the aspects to the Sun taking into account the sign of the Sun and that of the house 6 which is the backdrop of the way in which this domain is experienced.