Free Online Interpretations Synastry chart

Free Synastry Chart Online – Astrology Compatibility Calculator

Generate free synastry chart with Synastry Chart Calculator to find your relationship compatibility. Go to synastry chart calculator to input the birth details.

Create your chart below, and then scroll down to learn how to interpret the information

First partner

    Date of birth:

    Time of birth:

    Second partner

      Date of birth:

      Time of birth:

      You have the option to generate a free synastry chart by providing the birth data for both yourself and your partner. This includes

      • Date of birth
      • Birth time
      • Place of birth

      In case you don’t have the exact birth time, you can use either 12am or 12pm as a substitute. If the place of birth is unavailable, you can use the nearest city as a reference. 

      What is a Synastry Chart?

      Synastry, derived from the Greek words “syn” meaning “union” and “astron” meaning “star,” is the study of relationship potentials and challenges using astrological techniques. A Synastry chart, often referred to as a ‘relationship astrology chart,’ overlays the birth charts of two individuals to determine their astrological compatibility and relationship dynamics.

      Navigating relationships can be a complex affair. From understanding the nuances of interactions to gauging compatibility, it often feels like we’re venturing into uncharted territories. Enter the Synastry Chart Calculator—a powerful tool designed to unravel the cosmic dynamics between two individuals.


      Synastry Astrology Chart for Relationship Compatibility

      Synastry in astrology refers to the process of comparing two birth charts to evaluate the compatibility and dynamics between individuals. By examining the planetary positions and celestial bodies in both charts, as well as studying their interactions, synastry offers insights into various types of relationships. This practice can be applied to assess compatibility in romantic partnerships, friendships, business collaborations, and more. It provides a valuable tool for understanding the dynamics and potential strengths and challenges in connections between people, allowing for a deeper comprehension of the interplay between their astrological influences.

      Synastry Astrology Chart for Relationship Compatibility

      Synastry in astrology refers to the process of comparing two birth charts to evaluate the compatibility and dynamics between individuals. By examining the planetary positions and celestial bodies in both charts, as well as studying their interactions, synastry offers insights into various types of relationships. This practice can be applied to assess compatibility in romantic partnerships, friendships, business collaborations, and more. It provides a valuable tool for understanding the dynamics and potential strengths and challenges in connections between people, allowing for a deeper comprehension of the interplay between their astrological influences.

      Why Use the Synastry Chart Calculator?

      1. Deep Insights: The Synastry Chart Calculator dives deep into the planetary positions and aspects of both individuals, revealing how their energies interact and influence one another.
      2. Versatile Application: While commonly associated with romantic relationships, a Synastry chart can be used for any type of relationship—be it platonic friendships, work partnerships, or family ties.
      3. Free Accessibility: In a world where astrological consultations can be pricey, the Synastry Chart Calculator offers a comprehensive analysis, entirely free of charge.
      4. Personalized Readings: Each Synastry chart is as unique as the individuals involved, ensuring that the insights you receive are tailored to your specific dynamic.

      How Can You Benefit?

      1. Relationship Compatibility: Understand the strengths and challenges of your relationship. Discover the key areas of harmony and potential discord.
      2. Self-awareness: By understanding how your energies interact with another person’s, you gain a deeper self-awareness and an understanding of your impact on others.
      3. Informed Decisions: If you’re contemplating the future of a relationship—be it taking a romantic relationship to the next level, entering a business partnership, or understanding familial dynamics—the Synastry chart provides valuable insights to inform your decisions.

      Free Birth Chart Analysis

      The Free Birth Chart Calculator is not just an astrological tool; it’s a journey into the self, guided by the cosmos. Whether you’re seeking clarity, introspection, or merely curious about the stars’ say on your life, this tool offers a wealth of knowledge. Dive into the world of astrology, explore your natal birth chart, and uncover the cosmic stories that shape your existence.


      Synastry Chart Interpretation

      It is crucial to input accurate information for the most precise synastry reading. The center of the chart illustrates various aspects through colored lines, indicating the connections between the planets (more on this will be explained later). The synastry chart format offers a side-by-side comparison of the two individual natal charts, revealing how their respective houses align. This comparison is significant as it provides insights into both the harmonious aspects and the potential challenges within the relationship. Below the chart, you will find a list of each partner’s planets, followed by a comprehensive list of the aspects formed between them. This breakdown provides a detailed analysis of the planetary interactions and their implications for the relationship.

      Interpreting a synastry chart involves considering several essential factors. It’s important to note that synastry charts can be used to examine various types of relationships, not solely romantic ones.

      To begin interpreting a synastry chart, it is crucial to understand the fundamental terminology that forms its basis. This understanding will enable you to delve deeper into the dynamics of the chart and gain valuable insights. Whether you are interested in analyzing your love life or understanding your connection with a business partner or family member, synastry charts are applicable to any type of relationship.

      Now, let’s explore the key components of a synastry chart and their respective meanings:

      • Planets: In astrology, the term “planets” encompasses not only the recognized astronomical planets but also significant points in the sky. The planets symbolize specific themes or energies. For example, the Moon represents intuition, while Venus signifies desire.
      • Signs: Signs represent how energies are expressed. Each zodiac sign embodies unique characteristics and qualities. For instance, Cancer is associated with intuition and nurturance, while other signs have their own distinct attributes.
      • Houses: Houses represent different areas of life in a chart. Each house has its own specific theme and significance. The 7th House, for example, is traditionally associated with partnerships and marriage, highlighting the importance of relationships in that particular area of life.
      • Aspects: Aspects refer to the angles that planets make with one another within a chart. They reveal the dynamic relationships and interactions between different planetary energies. For instance, a Venus square Mars aspect indicates a challenging and potentially intense dynamic between desire and action.
      • Orbs: Orbs represent the margin of difference from an exact aspect. They determine the range within which an aspect is considered significant. For example, if Venus is square Mars with an orb of 2°, it indicates that the aspect is within a close range of 2 degrees and is thus influential in the chart interpretation.

      Zodiac Signs

      Most people are familiar with the twelve Western astrology zodiac signs. The zodiac sign where the Sun is positioned at the time of birth is believed to exert the greatest influence over an individual. These signs, also known as sun signs, include Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.


      Houses are essential components of an astrological chart. In traditional Western astrology, there are twelve houses, while Vedic astrology may have twelve or thirteen houses, depending on the system used. As you delve deeper into astrology, you may encounter different house systems that resonate with you.

      The twelve houses in traditional astrology represent various areas of life:

      1st House: Identity and the self.
      2nd House: Possessions and finances.
      3rd House: Communication and siblings.
      4th House: Home, family, and security.
      5th House: Creativity, romance, and fertility.
      6th House: Work and health.
      7th House: Partnerships and marriage.
      8th House: Shared resources, commitment, and transformation.
      9th House: Education, travel, and culture.
      10th House: Ambition and career.
      11th House: Friends, community, and charity.
      12th House: Intuition, spirituality, and healing.


      In synastry charts, aspects refer to the angles formed by the planetary positions. Here are the five major aspects and their explanations:

      • Conjunctions: Occur when planets are within 0° to 10° of each other. Conjunctions can create either harmony or tension, depending on the involved planets. Certain conjunctions, such as Venus conjunct Pluto, are known for their intense and passionate dynamics.
      • Sextiles: Formed when planets are approximately 60° apart, or one-sixth of a trine (120°). Sextiles indicate compatibility and an easy relationship between the involved planets.
      • Squares: Arise when planets are at a 90° angle or one-quarter of an opposition (180°). Squares traditionally involve signs with less compatibility. They create tension and friction, often involving houses in different quadrants.
      • Trines: Occur when planets are 120° apart, representing one-third of a circle. Trines are highly beneficial aspects, bringing shared temperament and goals to a relationship, resulting in natural harmony.
      • Oppositions: Formed when planets are directly opposite each other at a 180° angle. Oppositions may indicate discord or balance within the relationship. They are considered one of the most powerful aspects in astrology.


      Reading a Synastry Chart

      To interpret a synastry chart, consider the planetary positions and their aspects to one another. Key planets to examine include the Moon, which represents the inner self and our emotional needs, and Venus and Mars, which symbolize attraction and physical intimacy. Saturn and Pluto connections can indicate longevity and resilience in a relationship.

      Assessing the houses in a synastry chart is also important. Overlays of a partner’s planets in specific houses indicate compatibility and balance in those areas of life. The fifth house represents romance and fertility, the seventh house signifies partnerships and marriage, and the eighth house relates to commitment and shared resources.

      By examining these planetary positions, aspects, and house overlays, you can gain valuable insights into the dynamics and potential of a relationship within a synastry chart.

      By understanding the significance of these components and their interactions within a synastry chart, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and potentials within a relationship. Each element contributes unique insights that help unravel the intricacies of connections and interactions between individuals.

      Now that we have covered the terminology of a synastry chart, let’s explore how to interpret it effectively.

      Planets and Aspects:

      Begin by examining the most important planet positions and their aspects to each other in the synastry chart. Consider the following key planets:

      • Moon:
      • The Moon represents our inner self and emotional needs. It provides valuable insights into how we desire to be loved and nurtured. Assessing the harmony between the Moon and other planets gives an overview of the relationship’s long-term compatibility.
      • Venus and Mars:
      • Venus symbolizes attraction and what we are drawn to, while Mars signifies strong attraction and physical intimacy. In passionate and magnetic unions, there is often a connection between a woman’s (feminine) Venus and a man’s (masculine) Mars.
      • Saturn and Pluto:
      • These connections indicate strength and resilience in a relationship. Saturn contacts suggest longevity, endurance, and the ability to overcome relationship challenges, particularly when they involve an individual’s Saturn and their partner’s Moon or Venus. The absence of such connections may point to potential weaknesses in the relationship.


      Examine the houses where a partner’s planets overlay in the synastry chart. If several planets form harmonious angles with a specific house, it suggests balance and compatibility in that particular area of life. Consider the significance of the following houses:

      • Fifth House:
      • Known as the house of romance and fertility, overlays in the fifth house indicate exciting adventures and experiences with your partner.
      • Seventh House:
      • The seventh house represents partnerships, including marriage. Overlays in this house reflect commitment and dedication to one another and the relationship.
      • Eighth House:
      • This house relates to commitment and shared resources. Overlays in the eighth house indicate a potential for a successful and devoted marriage.

      By analyzing the planetary positions, aspects, and house overlays in a synastry chart, you can gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics and compatibility within a relationship. Remember that these interpretations provide insights and guidance, but individual experiences and choices also play a significant role in shaping relationships.

      FAQs in Relation to Astrological Synastry

      The strongest compatibility in synastry is often found in the trine aspect, where planets form a 120° angle. This aspect creates a natural flow of energy and a sense of harmony between individuals. It indicates a strong compatibility and a seamless blending of energies. The trine aspect fosters understanding, cooperation, and ease in the relationship. However, it’s important to be aware that the trine aspect can also lead to a certain level of complacency and a tendency to fall into repetitive patterns if both partners are not actively engaging and growing together.

      Relationship synastry in astrology involves comparing and analyzing two astrological charts to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a romantic relationship or marriage. By examining the interactions between the planets, signs, and houses in each person’s chart, synastry astrology provides valuable insights into the dynamics and potential outcomes of the relationship. It offers a profound understanding of the compatibility, challenges, and growth opportunities that a couple may experience together. Relationship synastry is an invaluable resource for individuals seeking to understand their partner on a deeper level and gain insights into the future of their relationship.

      In astrology, there are several planetary indications that can point towards the possibility of a second marriage. Rahu, also known as the North Node of the Moon, and a heavily afflicted placement of Venus in the 7th house of marriage are often associated with multiple marriages. When the 7th house lord is positioned in the 4th house, it can also suggest the potential for a second marriage. Additionally, the placement of Mars in the 7th house and Saturn or Rahu in the 8th house can be indicative of the likelihood of a second marriage. These planetary combinations in a birth chart provide astrological cues that suggest the possibility of entering into a second marital union. It is important to note that these indications are not definitive predictions, but rather indications of potential life events that can manifest depending on various factors and individual choices.

      While astrology can provide indications and insights into various aspects of life, including relationships, it is important to note that it does not predict events with absolute certainty. However, astrology can offer indications of the potential for a second marriage based on specific combinations seen in a birth chart.

      In astrology, the concept of karmic relationships in synastry involves identifying connections that go beyond surface-level interactions. One way to recognize a potential karmic relationship in synastry is if one person’s personal planets (such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) form a major aspect (such as a conjunction, square, opposition, trine, or sextile) with another person’s Saturn. This suggests a karmic connection where lessons and growth opportunities are involved, particularly related to the themes represented by the personal planets.

      When comparing synastry (the analysis of the interplay between two individuals’ birth charts) and the composite chart (a chart created by combining the midpoints of each person’s planets to represent the essence of the relationship), both have their own significance. Synastry aspects reveal the interactions and dynamics between individuals, highlighting compatibility and challenges. On the other hand, the composite chart offers insights into the overall nature and purpose of the relationship itself, providing a glimpse into the more “fatalistic” potentials and challenges that the couple may face together. Both synastry and the composite chart can contribute valuable information to understanding a relationship, and their combined analysis provides a more comprehensive perspective.

      Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, plays a significant role in relationships within astrology. Venus governs our capacity to love, our aesthetic preferences, and our desires for harmony and connection. It influences our relationship with money, our appreciation for beauty and art, and our values regarding love and relationships. As the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra, Venus carries immense influence in matters of the heart and guides our preferences for what we find attractive and enjoyable in relationships.

      In synastry, certain houses carry significant importance when it comes to understanding relationship dynamics. Traditional teachings often emphasize the following “love” houses: the 5th house (associated with pleasure, creativity, and self-expression), the 7th house (related to partnerships, marriage, and committed relationships), and the 8th house (representing intimacy, shared resources, and transformative experiences). These houses provide valuable insights into the dynamics of romantic connections and are commonly referred to when analyzing compatibility and the potential for fulfilling relationships.

      One of the most challenging aspects in synastry is the Mars square or opposite Pluto aspect. This aspect is renowned for its intense and potentially volatile nature. Individuals with this aspect may exhibit a strong, notable aggressive attitude, and power struggles may arise within the relationship. It requires conscious effort, effective communication, and a willingness to work through conflicts constructively in order to navigate this aspect successfully.

      In astrology, Venus is the planet that is often associated with the potential for multiple marriages. As the planet of love and relationships, Venus represents our desires, values, and attractions in matters of the heart. When Venus is placed in the seventh house, it can indicate the likelihood of a second marriage. Additionally, a positive aspect between the seventh house lord and Venus can suggest the potential for a subsequent marriage. A strong Venus in the birth chart signifies an individual’s longing for a loving and harmonious relationship, further supporting the possibility of multiple marriages.

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