Natal Uranus in the 6th House

Uranus, being the most eccentric planet, feels rather uncomfortable in the sixth house. Indeed, its urge for freedom does not comply with the nature of the house, which is work and service towards others. Also, the 6th house is highly responsible for health issues, and Uranus usually brings unexpected troubles concerning the nativeโ€™s body, mostly if it is adversely aspected. The sixth house is responsible for work and service and having planets inside this house can be rather unfortunate. If he is the owner of a company, his employees might be better than him in his job, while their actions towards him are uncontrolled and they tend to end up running his business as they want.

This planet in 6th house gives a tendency to express our personality and our originality in the daily professional activity. This work can call upon our capacities for invention, innovation, and our ingenuity.ย Of course, by nature Uranus pushes us to seek a certain independence in everyday life, and at the limit we can sometimes show indiscipline sometimes… it is clear that there is also a taste for change and novelty. in this daily life, changes that will not be lacking in this area (positive or negative).ย It should be noted a certain instability on the nervous plan or in the arterial circulation at the health level especially in the event of negative aspects.

With the positive aspects of Saturn, this makes it possible to better control the impatience and nervousness of Uranus and therefore to be more stable on a daily basis…

  • with those of Jupiter, this improves the ability to integrate into the collective and to express their inspiration there…
  • with those of Mars there will be more ability to take initiatives to assert themselves…
  • with those of Venus it is communication that will be facilitated on a daily basis…
  • with those of Mercury inspiration and intellectual skill will be stronger…
  • those of the Moon will improve the relational side but also the creative imagination…
  • those of the Sun will allow you to assert yourself but within the rules and by finding the balance between the need for independence and the collective.

With negative aspects of Saturn we can feel blocked in the desires of independence and creativity, with also a risk of problems or slowing down of the arterial and cerebral circulation…

  • with those of Jupiter it is more the risk of excess in the search for independence or change, and therefore at the health level the tendency to live in a disorderly way…
  • with those of Mars it will of course be too much impulsiveness, impatience, nervousness, and therefore the risk of problems or accidents on the physical plane…
  • those of Venus will reduce communication skills and give a propensity to give in too much to desires and desires…
  • those of Mercury will make the nervous plane more unstable and cause tension and unnecessary discussions on a daily basis….
  • those of the Moon will cause frequent mood swings and health risks of digestive pain or gynecological problems…
  • those of the Sun will make you too independent, even sometimes marginal in everyday life, hostile to constraints, and with on the health plan the risk of problems or pain in the back or on the vertebral level, and also at the cardiovascular level.

As always, it is necessary to synthesize the aspects to Uranus taking into account the sign of the 6th house which is the backdrop to the way in which this area is lived.

Each planets have a different effect on you, depending on which house and sign they reside in. In order to find out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use ourย free birth chart generator. Also, examine the aspects that they form with other planets in your chart. You will understand a lot more about the detailed role that they have in your horoscope.