Black Moon Lilith in Houses

Black Moon Lilith in Houses: all the characteristics of Black Moon Lilith in astrology, when placed in any of the twelve astrological houses.

Lilith in the 12th House

Before exploring the attributes of Lilith in the 12th house, we should mention that the article is about Black Moon Lilith. Thus, we should distinguish this mathematical point of alignment from the asteroid Lilith, and also from Dark Moon Lilith, which is calculated in a different way. Lilith is not a planet and is not a material object. It is the hypothetical point connected to the apogee of the Moon’s orbit, the farthest spot from Earth that the Moon can reach. The Moon is not orbiting Earth in a circle but in an ellipse, and thus this calculation shows the astrological degree in the signs when the Moon transit is more distant from our planet. Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individual’s natal chart. This topographical…

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Lilith in the 11th House

Having Lilith in the 11th house can complicate an individual’s group activities, making it uneasy to express when among a lot of people. It may be connected with disharmonic memories the person has from how he was treated in groups during his childhood. He might have felt malice, hate or jealousy from other kids at school, being the scapegoat, the alien, the rejected one. This subconsciously influences the way he perceives such types of experiences during his adult life. Also, there are possibilities that he was feeling ashamed during such occasions, which can, in turn, create a strong drive to take a symbolic revenge.

Lilith in the 10th House

Before exploring the attributes of Lilith in the 10th house, we should mention that the article is about Black Moon Lilith. Thus, we should distinguish this mathematical point of alignment from the asteroid Lilith, and also from Dark Moon Lilith, which is calculated in a different way. Lilith is not a planet and is not a material object. It is the hypothetical point connected to the apogee of the Moon’s orbit, the farthest spot from Earth that the Moon can reach. The Moon is not orbiting Earth in a circle but in an ellipse, and thus this calculation shows the astrological degree in the signs when the Moon transit is more distant from our planet. Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individual’s natal chart. This topographical…

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Lilith in the 9th House

Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individual’s natal chart. This topographical extreme point of the Moon makes emotion and sentiments hit a low and show their cold side, and the placement of this mathematical spot signifies quite a lot of doubtful or even negative behaviors. Under one’s Lilith can hide subconscious energies of malice and self-undoing, yet it would be wrong to consider her as something mostly negative.

Lilith in the 8th House

This does not imply sexual harassment, but the native probably has experienced the darker parts of sexuality even as an idea since he was young. He might have (accidentally) watched movies that show extreme sexual scenes. Alternatively, he may have been raised in environments where sex was described as rough and cruel. As the young person’s mind is a sponge, he absorbs that information deep in the subconscious, categorizing sex as a rather traumatic experience. Such a native connects sex with death, and this is what the 8th house is all about.

Lilith in the 7th House

Of course, Lilith in the 7th house in a natal chart can be quite tricky. The native is having his life gates open for inviting individuals who may harm him. In some occasions, the chart owner might be even enjoying difficult relationships with people that might even repulse him. With hard aspects, he might receive pleasure in feeling victimized. Yet, a frequent pattern that appears is the native trying to soften the difficult character of his spouse or partner. He may feel an internal need to turn the sinner into a saint, to tame the wild beast and make it a lamb. In case that Lilith is positively aspected, the odds can be on the native’s side and help him succeed.

Lilith in the 6th House

As the 6th house is the realm of Virgo, Black Moon Lilith in the 6th house pays a lot of attention to the details, ready to bite even when does not like something small. Placed here she dislikes hierarchy and submission to others, and if pressured will sabotage even her own efforts. For a native with such a placement, respect of his work is something necessary. In case he observes a dominative attitude from his employer, he will not let that pass unpunished. A 6th house Lilith suggest discord even with the coworkers, while if the individual is the owner of the business then his employees will be rather untamable.

Lilith in the 5th House

Before exploring the attributes of Lilith in the 5th house, we should mention that the article is about Black Moon Lilith. Thus, we should distinguish this mathematical point of alignment from the asteroid Lilith, and also from Dark Moon Lilith, which is calculated in a different way. Lilith is not a planet and is not a material object. It is the hypothetical point connected to the apogee of the Moon’s orbit, the farthest spot from Earth that the Moon can reach. The Moon is not orbiting Earth in a circle but in an ellipse, and thus this calculation shows the astrological degree in the signs when the Moon transit is more distant from our planet. Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individual’s natal chart. This topographical…

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Lilith in the 4th House

Before exploring the attributes of Lilith in the 4th house, we should mention that the article is about Black Moon Lilith. Thus, we should distinguish this mathematical point of alignment from the asteroid Lilith, and also from Dark Moon Lilith, which is calculated in a different way. Lilith is not a planet and is not a material object. It is the hypothetical point connected to the apogee of the Moon’s orbit, the farthest spot from Earth that the Moon can reach. The Moon is not orbiting Earth in a circle but in an ellipse, and thus this calculation shows the astrological degree in the signs when the Moon transit is more distant from our planet. Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individual’s natal chart. This topographical…

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Lilith in the 3rd House

Before exploring the attributes of Lilith in the 3rd house, we should mention that the article is about Black Moon Lilith. Thus, we should distinguish this mathematical point of alignment from the asteroid Lilith, and also from Dark Moon Lilith, which is calculated in a different way. Lilith is not a planet and is not a material object. It is the hypothetical point connected to the apogee of the Moon’s orbit, the farthest spot from Earth that the Moon can reach. The Moon is not orbiting Earth in a circle but in an ellipse, and thus this calculation shows the astrological degree in the signs when the Moon transit is more distant from our planet. Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individual’s natal chart. This topographical…

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Lilith in the 2nd House

Before exploring the attributes of Lilith in the 2nd house, we should mention that the article is about Black Moon Lilith. Thus, we should distinguish this mathematical point of alignment from the asteroid Lilith, and also from Dark Moon Lilith, which is calculated in a different way. Lilith is not a planet and is not a material object. It is the hypothetical point connected to the apogee of the Moon’s orbit, the farthest spot from Earth that the Moon can reach. The Moon is not orbiting Earth in a circle but in an ellipse, and thus this calculation shows the astrological degree in the signs when the Moon transit is more distant from our planet. Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individual’s natal chart. This topographical…

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Lilith in the 1st House

Before exploring the attributes of Lilith in the 1st house, we should mention that the article is about Black Moon Lilith. Thus, we should distinguish this mathematical point of alignment from the asteroid Lilith, and also from Dark Moon Lilith, which is calculated in a different way. Lilith is not a planet and is not a material object. It is the hypothetical point connected to the apogee of the Moon’s orbit, the farthest spot from Earth that the Moon can reach. The Moon is not orbiting Earth in a circle but in an ellipse, and thus this calculation shows the astrological degree in the signs when the Moon transit is more distant from our planet. Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individual’s natal chart. This topographical…

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Each planets have a different effect on you, depending on which house and sign they reside in. In order to find out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use our free birth chart generator. Also, examine the aspects that they form with other planets in your chart. You will understand a lot more about the detailed role that they have in your horoscope.
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