Neptune in Houses

Neptune in Houses: all the characteristics of Neptune in astrology, when placed in any of the twelve astrological houses.

Natal Neptune in the 12th House


When Neptune is in the 12th house of a natal chart, it feels at home. The 12th house is the archetypal house of Pisces, and Neptune who is their ruler can only function well when is in his own domain. Even adverse aspects to the planet have their own meaning of existence, and this is awakening him through lessons and allowing him to shine his Neptunian light into the depths of the natives subconscious and unconscious. The 12th house is the house responsible for all the things that are laying beyond the nativeโ€™s conscious mind, and the ethereal presence of Neptune awakens abilities that are connected with his own deeper layers, but also with the collective unconscious of mankind. This placement can make someone a great psychologist, even if heโ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 11th House


With natal Neptune in the 11th house, the nativeโ€™s friendships are surrounded by the planetโ€™s mist, making them either fantastic or deceptive. The sign in which Neptune is located, and especially the aspects of other planets play a very important role in defining whether this natal placement is good or bad. In any case, the individual with such a placement will attract quite a lot of people who will be of a rather weird nature. The 11th house is traditionally ruled by Aquarius and planet Uranus, and the presence of Neptune will bring friends who are mysterious and artistic. As Neptune rules substances, the nativeโ€™s friends may frequently indulge in alcohol or drug abuse, which will make them rather unreliable and passive as characters. The native should be rather cautious,โ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 10th House


When an individual has Natal Neptune in the 10th house, his career matters are strongly dependent on the condition of the planet. A well aspected Neptune will have an astonishing effect, while an adversely aspected can act as a totally passive malefic, which the native has absolutely no control over. Nevertheless, the 10th house is a rather good placement for this dreamy yet erratic planet. It is far better to have it present here than in a house that directly affects the nativeโ€™s life. After all, the traditional rulers of the 10th house (Capricorn and Saturn) are giving some of their serious traits to the otherwise borderless nature of Neptune. This restriction of the liquid Neptunian energy may be more easily channeled into some special career goal; provided of courseโ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 9th House


Having your natal Neptune in the 9th house is one of the best placements for this planet, as it is much better for it to reside high in the heavens than below the horizon. Neptune placed here gives a man of tremendous faith in the divine, which may even lead him to make religion his way of life. As the 9th house is traditionally ruled by Sagittarius and Jupiter, its expansive traits strengthen the mystic powers of Neptune, enhancing its otherwise passive functions. The 9th house pulls out the most positive characteristics of the blue planet, making the native interested in higher meanings. The search for God and Truth will be a very important priority in the nativeโ€™s life. This natal placement will give an interest in religions and mysticism,โ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 8th House


In case that a native has natal Neptune in the 8th house, he will be a strong receptor of spiritual currents. This is a double-edged knife; the positive side is that he can reach high levels of spirituality and unconditional love through his relationships, the negative is a rather wide spectrum of deception and self-deception. The 8th house is responsible for loans and debts, and Neptuneโ€™s presence may create problems and disturbances. The native may be easily tricked into obtaining a loan that he cannot repay, or elsehow swindled by an institution or an individual. All kind of deception can appear, particularly if Neptune has hard aspects from Mercury, Mars or Pluto. In addition, this placement is rather unfortunate for inheritances, as it might even bring mischievous lawyers who willโ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 7th House


Having your natal Neptune in the 7th house is a rather tricky position, as the planet will complicate all matters concerning marriage, business partnerships, and legal issues. This placement does not indicate tragic and harsh events, but rather a disillusionment and annoyances about everything ruled by this house. Neptune is the planet responsible for dissolution, so anything that includes strict boundaries is not favored. The native with Neptune in the 7th house has idealized the concept of marriage, probably perceiving it as a permanent state of bliss with a significant other. This is usually not the case, as long-lasting relationships can rarely keep the romantic magic from the beginning. This nebulous approach towards love can bring quite a lot of frustrations; the native may invest a lot of time inโ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 6th House


When Neptune is placed in the sixth house of a natal chart, it indicates a troubled everyday reality. This placement is a difficult one, creating a rather careless person with many difficulties structuring his life. He should be very careful not to become a prey of mischievous individuals that choose victims in order to use them. As the 6th house rules employment, Neptune can bring periods when the native does not care about being employed or working in unstable jobs without a formal contract. Indeed, such a person might not be the best choice for any employer; a person with this natal placement is usually unreliable and might prefer daydreaming instead of working. The liquid nature of Neptune is not the best for organizing any 6th house affairs; he willโ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 5th House


When Neptune resides in the 5th house, its effects on the nativeโ€™s love life, children, and recreation habits are quite foggy. The planet may create a lot of secrecy in the 5th house matters; on the other hand, there are possibilities of receiving immense joy. Even if it is induced through fantasies and delusions, and does not represent reality. Before speaking about the possible traits that this mysterious planet can create, we should mention that the aspects from other planets to Neptune play a very important role. Neptune is a mirror covered in fog, reflecting a very big amount of the energies that it receives from other planets. Thus, a Neptune with positive aspects from other planets can function perfectly and resonate all the good traits of the aspecting planets.โ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 4th House


When the mysterious planet Neptune sheds his shades on the house of oneโ€™s origins, his childhood and roots can be rather blurred even in his own mind. Growing up is not easy with this aspect, and a curious fact is that the native will usually bury his childhood deep into his subconscious while growing up. It will literally seem like another personโ€™s life that he once watched in movies, and will just remember fragments and scenes. Neptune in the 4th house can be rather difficult for the nativeโ€™s early years, as it makes at least one parent absent, metaphorically or even literally. In many occasions, the native will be a child from a divorced family. Many people who are growing in an orphanage or have elsehow lost their parents haveโ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 3rd House


The misty planet Neptune brings a lot of fog to all issues ruled by the house where it is located in a natal chart. When in the third house, it mostly affects the nativeโ€™s communications, siblings, neighbors and nearby travels. This placement tends to scatter the mind and make it chaotic; the person should keep away from occupations that have to deal with numbers as it is irresponsible to handle information that has very important details. On the contrary, the mind becomes very intuitive and can excel in more abstract areas. The native must be very careful in filling important papers, as his mind will frequently forget to fill all the necessary data or do crucial mistakes because of lack of concentration. Neptune in the 3rd house is strongly connectedโ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 2nd House


Neptune is probably the most passive planet, and having it in the house of wealth and possessions is definitely not the best placement for finances. Nevertheless, that might not have an adverse effect on the nativeโ€™s life, as it is very frequent that people with Neptune placed there do not care about material gains. People with Neptune in the 2nd house are very impractical in everything that concerns money. They do not pay attention to their expenses, and definitely do not have their financial life programming as a priority in their daily routine. Even if they are wealthy, they just donโ€™t care what is happening in their wallet and how their assets are being spent. They can be easily swindled, especially if Neptune is forming a tough aspect with Marsโ€ฆ

Natal Neptune in the 1st House


When Neptune is located in the first house of a native, its ethereal nature opens the gates of the other realms, making the person very sensitive to everything around him. He uses osmosis for perceiving reality and is a very strong receptor, an antenna that can receive literally everything that is near his personal sphere (or even not near). This is a double-edged knife as it can give enormous abilities but also weakens his defense towards negative influences from his surroundings. An important advice before we continue about the traits the mysterious planet can gift: people with such a placement should be very careful with drugs, alcohol and any substance that can furthermore blur his already liquid reality. Neptune itself is creating a personality that is stepping with only oneโ€ฆ

Each planets have a different effect on you, depending on which house and sign they reside in. In order to find out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use ourย free birth chart generator. Also, examine the aspects that they form with other planets in your chart. You will understand a lot more about the detailed role that they have in your horoscope.