The 8th House in Astrology

Shared Resources

The eighth house represents the way you use other peopleโ€™s resources, your attitude to life, birth, death, and sex.ย ย It deals with the support you receive from others, including spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, moral.ย ย It governs inheritance, alimony, legacies, trusts, and joint resources.ย ย It also deals with secrets and hidden assets.ย ย It is also a house of endings and transformations.

The Eighth House is ruled byย Scorpioย andย Marsย andย Pluto.

The placement of planets in the 8th House of the birth chart significantly influences an individual’s approach to transformation, shared resources, and the deeper mysteries of life. Understanding the impact of these planets can provide valuable insights into one’s capacity for self-transformation, the way they handle shared resources and their ability to navigate the profound aspects of life. Astrology, in this context, serves as a tool for self-awareness and embracing the depths of one’s psyche and the mysteries of existence.

The 8th house in Astrology is a succedent one and is ruled by the zodiac sign of Scorpio and planet Pluto. It is considered the house of sex, taboos, of other peopleโ€™s money, death and rebirth. It rules inheritances, legacies, and wills. In addition, the house is one of the gates towards the occult world and is mostly connected with conscious magick and mysticism. The 8th house is the great teacher of the mysteries of life and existence. It is the realm of transformative experiences.

The house is responsible for issues concerning taxes and debts, as these are also falling under the category of other peopleโ€™s money. Governmental money or bank loans are also an 8th house issue, and โ€œbeneficโ€ planets located in the house bring ease in obtaining credit and loans. Hard aspects with โ€œmaleficsโ€, though, make the procedure of repaying them quite difficult and can bring trouble to the native. In addition, the 8th house is ruling the spouseโ€™s resources, and observing the planets located inside can show the financial situation of the significant other that you will bond with.

The Significance of the 8th House

The 8th House is the realm of profound transformation, shared resources, and intimate bonds. It governs issues related to birth, death, sexuality, and the mysteries of life. When planets are placed in the 8th House, they bring their unique energies to an individual’s approach to these intense and transformative aspects of life.

The placement of planets in the 8th House of the natal chart significantly influences an individual’s approach to transformation, shared resources, and the deeper mysteries of life. Understanding the impact of these planets can provide valuable insights into one’s capacity for self-transformation, the way they handle shared resources and their ability to navigate the profound aspects of life. Astrology, in this context, serves as a tool for self-awareness and embracing the depths of one’s psyche and the mysteries of existence.

Planets in the 8th House

Each planet, when positioned in the 8th House of the natal chart, imparts its unique attributes to an individual’s approach to transformation, shared resources, and the deeper mysteries of life. Here’s an exploration of how different planets in the 8th House can influence an individual:

Sun in the 8th House: The Sun represents the core of one’s identity. When found in the 8th House, it signifies a strong focus on personal transformation and an intense desire for self-discovery. These individuals often have a deep sense of power and may be drawn to esoteric or occult subjects.

Moon in the 8th House: The Moon signifies emotions and instincts. When placed in the 8th House, a person’s emotional life is often marked by profound transformations and intense emotional experiences. They may be highly intuitive and sensitive to hidden aspects of life.

Mercury in the 8th House: Mercury governs communication and intellect. Individuals with Mercury in the 8th House often have a keen interest in psychological subjects and may be skilled at uncovering hidden truths and communicating about them.

Venus in the 8th House: Venus represents love, beauty, and aesthetics. When placed in the 8th House, it suggests a deep and passionate approach to love and relationships. These individuals may be drawn to intense and transformative romantic connections.

Mars in the 8th House: Mars symbolizes action and energy. Those with Mars in the 8th House often have a strong desire for power and control. They may be assertive in pursuing their desires and may excel in crisis management.

Jupiter in the 8th House: Jupiter represents expansion and growth. When found in the 8th House, it indicates a deep interest in spiritual and philosophical matters related to transformation and the mysteries of life. These individuals may seek personal growth through profound experiences.

Saturn in the 8th House: Saturn is associated with discipline and responsibility. Individuals with Saturn in the 8th House often approach transformation and shared resources with caution and responsibility. They may be diligent in managing their financial and emotional investments.

Uranus in the 8th House: Uranus represents innovation and individuality. When placed in the 8th House, it suggests a unique and unconventional approach to transformation and shared resources. These individuals may embrace radical change and may be drawn to unconventional paths of self-discovery.

Neptune in the 8th House: Neptune signifies creativity and spirituality. Those with Neptune in the 8th House often have a deep spiritual and artistic connection to the mysteries of life. They may be drawn to healing and mystical practices.

Pluto in the 8th House: Pluto represents transformation and power. When found in the 8th House, it indicates a profound and intense approach to matters related to transformation and shared resources. These individuals often experience deep, life-altering changes and may be drawn to psychology, research, or occult studies.

Inheritances are to be seen here too, both material and spiritual. The 8th house shows what we receive when other people die or transform, and many times inheritance comes when the other person is still alive but transforms himself through relinquishment of material goods, in favor of the chart owner.

The 8th is the darkest house of the nativeโ€™s natal chart. It rules death in all its forms. It can indicate the way the person will die, or experiences connected with death that the native will live and learn from them. Can indicate deaths of other close people, near-death experiences, occupations connected with death such as undertaker and everything connected with the realm of the dead. Nevertheless, it is wrong to be concerned about real death when you observe the 8th house, as it mostly refers to symbolical death and endings. A person with planets in the house could be even just attracted to death as art and drawn towards black clothes, dark style, and morbid books or music.

The 8th house is the house of conscious magick. It is a direct gate to the other worlds, the house of hidden mysteries and unveiling truths. The areas of the house near the 9th house cusp are signifying higher level philosophy and the native is drawn towards studies whose goal is to understand the meaning of life and existence. That exact place of the chart is responsible for the unspoken answers about why we exist, why we get born, why we die and are the foundations on which the whole nextย 9th houseย is based.

As we have already mentioned, the 9th house is responsible for philosophy and wisdom and abstract higher knowledge of the world. So, itโ€™s quite natural that this knowledge has as a first and basic question, the reasons behind the existence of everything. That is why the 8th house is so critical for all wisdom; it is the source of the questions and answers that give meaning to all the belief systems, to all knowledge and learning.

Sex is a mystical experience in all its forms. But when it is not used as a casual tool for fun and is the result of a conscious bonding between two souls, sex becomes magickal. The 8th house is ruling exactly that: sex as a tool for entering the higher spheres, a source of extremely powerful energy that can be later used for empowering oneโ€™s self. The orgasm is a simulation of death, and many cultures indeed call it โ€œthe small deathโ€. Magickal sex is a symbolic action, which when experienced with love, respect and soul blending can produce even higher amounts of life force energy.

In addition, the 8th house rules sexual taboos, and the symbolic breaking of oneโ€™s borders can have immediate effects on the opening of astral gates. The 8th house is a direct gate to cumulated collective knowledge and archetypical wisdom, as is theย 12th house. The difference between these gates is that the 8th can be entered consciously through actions of the native, while the entrance through the 12th is lot less controlled; the gate lays in the nativeโ€™s subconscious and is more difficult to handle

The house signifies all the things that one must โ€œlet goโ€ and sacrifice, in order to transform and evolve. A lot of times, the farewell comes with pain, but it is necessary to let things die so that we benefit from something new. Spiritual growth through this house is obtained by things we sacrifice for others; in the end, the house gives us back the energy we sacrificed, of course, altered.

As we mentioned, it rules gifts and other peopleโ€™s money; most times those gifts are karmic from this life or a previous one and should be regarded as the attempt of the universe to balance out things. Beware though: the 8th house does not only gift, it also takes back. Negative karma that we have created will be paid back through it, and the stronger we hang onto money and material things, the more pain we will receive when we must let them go.

Finally, the 8th house rules compassions, obsessions, jealousy, manipulation, hate and other feelings related to our dark side. Any native that observes malefic planets or hard aspects between Mars and Pluto, must concentrate towards resolving these psychological issues inside him. Such aspects are not a game, as they can awaken the darkest reactions, which in turn might have other difficult effects on his life.

Negative feelings can create avalanches of difficult events, and the native is strongly advised to learn his dark side and try to spread light in it. Transformations in this area can create a massive change in his entire life, and eradicating such kind of behaviors can alter his reality so positively that he will become a totally different person.