Neptune in Astrology

Neptune is the second furthest planet from the Sun in our solar system and was discovered in 1846. It is considered an โ€œice giantโ€ and curiously enough is sometimes orbiting further from the Sun than Pluto, due to the elliptic orbit of the latter. The planetโ€™s glyph is the Poseidonโ€™s trident, the weapon he carried according to Ancient Greek Mythology. Neptune rules the sign of Pisces, which was, until the planetโ€™s discovery, ruled by Jupiter. Still, Jupiter is considered the co-ruler of the sign. In addition, Neptune is ruling the 12th house and a full circle around the zodiac lasts about 165 years.

Neptune, known as both a gas and ice giant, possesses a cold and icy composition with considerable mass and gravitational force. Although it has its own rings, Saturn remains the primary ring-bearer among the large celestial bodies in the Solar system. Due to its distant location from Earth, ancient civilizations were unaware of Neptune’s existence, as it could only be observed with the aid of a telescope. It was officially discovered in the 19th century. Given its vast orbit around the Sun, Neptune takes approximately 165 years, equivalent to about two human lifetimes, to complete one revolution. This extended orbital period symbolizes its astrological significance, representing aspects that may remain hidden or unseen. Despite its frigid nature, Astrology designates Neptune as the ruler of Pisces, a sign associated with warmth as Venus, the warmest planet, is exalted in it. Following Pluto’s reclassification, Neptune became the final official planet in the Solar system’s lineup to orbit the Sun.

He spends approximately 14 years in each of the 12 signs. One can easily understand that during an average human life the planet will have traveled less than the half of the full cycle. This makes the effects of Neptuneโ€™s transit long-lasting and even permanent, as there is no way to experience a similar transit again. Neptuneโ€™s name represents the roman god of Seas, equivalent to the Greek Poseidon. Indeed, the planet rules everything connected with water, both on a physical and a metaphorical level.

Neptune In Astrology

Neptune holds a twine. Handling its influence in a person’s chart can be challenging, as it challenges the perceived boundaries of reality and relies heavily on the purity of our convictions, as represented by Jupiter, and our capacity to recognize beauty in life, guided by Venus. Only when both Venus and Jupiter are strong in a chart can one begin to grasp a glimpse of Neptune’s potential for cosmic emotion and enchantment.

Indeed, Neptune’s influence in astrology is not easily defined, as it introduces haziness and inconsistency. It represents both misconceptions and lies, as well as ultimate faith and trust. Neptune’s emotional realm can make us feel fragile and sensitive, especially when our personal planets interact with it. It is a planet of compassion and a bringer of talents and possibilities, but its true nature remains elusive, as it cannot be fully understood. Instead, Neptune calls for pure faith and acceptance.

In the energetic body, Neptune is symbolized by the aura, an unseen field of color and energy that surrounds us. To connect with Neptune’s essence, we must be open to trusting our vision beyond what our physical eyes can perceive. It exists outside the boundaries of Saturn, taking us into the realm of illusions and magic.

Neptune’s association with Saturn in mythology further emphasizes its role in opening us to other worlds and realities beyond our everyday consciousness. To ground Neptune’s influence, we must find belief in absolute beauty, discover our talents and mission in life, and connect our past life’s rewards with the future we are creating. Neptune invites us to embrace the mysteries and trust in something greater than our immediate reality.

Neptune, the mystical and enigmatic planet, often reveals its maleficent potential until we become conscious of our innate talents and the mission we are destined to fulfill in this lifetime. Its powerful pull opens us up to the vast expanse of the “upper spheres,” transcending the boundaries of our earthly existence. However, to navigate Neptune’s realm successfully, we must have a strong foundation laid in our primary family, where our dreams and individuality are nurtured and respected.

When this foundation is lacking, Neptune’s darker aspects may manifest, leading to struggles with substance abuse, deception, and various psychological and sleep disorders. On a physical level, its negative influence can result in allergies, hormonal imbalances, and puzzling illnesses with unknown origins and cures.

On the other hand, Neptune’s positive expression can transform us into compassionate missionaries or talented wizards, inspiring humanity on a more profound level. In personal and professional lives, Neptune’s influence is often seen in careers related to medicine, healing, psychology, charity work, and caring for people with special needs. Those guided by Neptune’s gifts may find their calling in music and other artistic expressions, using their talents to uplift and support large groups of people.

However, as we draw closer to fulfilling our mission and gain popularity, we may face increasing pressure from our surroundings. To withstand these pressures, our psyche must be fortified to endure Neptune’s potential negative manifestations. It is a common reason why many famous individuals succumb to dependencies and drug abuse when the strain becomes overwhelming. Neptune’s ethereal nature can be challenging to manage if our mental and emotional foundations are not strong enough.

It is essential to recognize that some of the greatest minds and talents remain hidden, working in the shadows, prioritizing their mission for the greater good rather than seeking public acknowledgment. The true force of Neptune lies in embracing our fragile inner truth and finding fulfillment in our mission without being solely driven by the desire for recognition and fame.

We should not forget that the sea and the oceans are considered the cradle of dreams, and how much the liquid status of matter is even symbolically tied to fantasy and everything that is fluid and unstable. Neptune is a synonym for flexibility, governing abstract ideas, illusion, and mystery. Naturally, whatever is touched by Neptune is receiving a misty outlook, and the planetโ€™s secretive fog can hide a lot that simple eyes cannot observe. As a planetary force, Neptune is a gateway towards spirituality.

Being the higher octave of Venus, it governs the fine arts, while also all activities that can induce trance such as meditation. Being the planet of illusions, Neptune is highly associated with artificial transcendence towards altered states of consciousness. Alcohol, drugs, medicine, and everything that can distort our view of stable reality are being governed by the mystical blue giant.

Of course, as every planetary force has its light and dark sides, Neptune can bring through these, spiritual enlightenment or dependence and self-destruction. Due to his connection with the 12th house, he is an open gate towards the individual and collective subconscious and unconscious.

This fact also makes the planet responsible for psychology and psycho-analysis, and people with a strong Neptune can easily enter other peopleโ€™s mind. Neptune is strongly connected with intuition and can open antennas that can absorb, through osmosis, thoughts and emotions that hover in the air. Even though this can be a blessing in order to better understand other people, any native with a prominent Neptune can suffer from over-sensitivity towards such currents.

Sometimes, the planet can even lead towards isolation, as it can become unbearable to feel every single person near you in such a strong way. What the planet does is distorting the borders between your own self and the other individual. Neptune does not like and does not have borders; it can smooth them so much that they become non-existent. Through Neptune, one can connect with anything else without an effort โ€“ just by being present.

The mystical planet is a rather passive one, having strongly feminine energy and a receptive nature. It is therefore not a surprise that it also rules hypnosis, religious delusions, and spiritual manipulation. A person with an adversely aspected Neptune should guard against charlatans who would offer him false perceptions of reality just in order to use him. As Neptune is a slow moving planet, it creates large currents that can affect the masses.

Thus, the television, theatre and fashion are also activities connected with the planetโ€™s mysterious realm. Indeed, all of these are nothing more than transmissions of illusions, frequently idealized and can be used for massive manipulation due to various reasons. Of course, we should not deny that if purely regarded as art, they can promote spirituality, knowledge and ascension towards higher states of consciousness. As a planetary force, Neptune requires from us to โ€œmergeโ€ with our surroundings and sacrifice parts of us for the greater good.

The planet dissolves our perception of ego and makes us understand that we are a part of something bigger. Thus, the blue giant is also considered a planet promoting compassion, altruism and self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Of course, we should always beware of being used, as the planetโ€™s mist can allow others lurk inside and willing to exploit our selfless offers. Also, Neptune tends to give tendencies of martyrdom and suffering for the others.

It is not a coincidence that the sign it rules, Pisces, is one of the symbols mostly used to represent Jesus who willingly sacrificed himself for the sake of humanity. Of course, other traits like practicing mercy and forgiveness towards our enemies are in the end promoting our own spiritual evolution. As every planet, Neptune also does have his dark side. Lies and (self)-deception, victimization and escapism are just some of the difficult traits that the planet can offer.

As easily it can make someone a dreamer and a visionary, so he can make him a procrastinator, a madman or a junkie. Neptune rules masochism and submission; when these two apply to the non-sexual aspects of oneโ€™s life he can become very passive. Becoming a marionette of other people or of the random events of your surroundings does not really seem the wisest perception of life.

Neptune is a generational planet, which means that it stays for long years in a sign, thus defining a whole generation. It strongly influences subconscious currents, defining mass phenomena and trends. It can create massive delusions, many time connected with religion and spirituality. In addition, he can also bring destructive and vicious cults that vampirize on the souls and wallets of weak individuals.

The large changes in fashion that roughly appear every decade are also partially a product of his transits. Every individual should research his natal Neptune placement in order to understand its functions better. Many times, Neptune is operating as a โ€œmaleficโ€ because it has low guard towards external interventions. Thus, the house where it is located should be shielded stronger.

Also, we should research the houseโ€™s matters better in order to have a correct perception; the planet is famous for distorting any information connected with it. Find in which house Neptune is located in your natal chart, and read the respective article to uncover more about its functions.

Find in which house your Neptune is located in your natal chart, and read the respective article to uncover more about its functions:

Neptune 1st house | Neptune 2nd house | Neptune 3rd house | Neptune 4th house | Neptune 5th house | Neptune 6th house | Neptune 7th house | Neptune 8th house | Neptune 9th house | Neptune 10th house | Neptune 11th house | Neptune 12th house |

Each planets have a different effect on you, depending on which house and sign they reside in. In order to find out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use ourย free birth chart generator. Also, examine the aspects that they form with other planets in your chart. You will understand a lot more about the detailed role that they have in your horoscope.