North Node in Houses

The North Node in Houses: all the characteristics of the North Node in astrology, when placed in any of the twelve astrological houses.

North Node in the 12th House

Having your North Node in the 12th house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 6th house. This natal placement of the North Node indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning oneโ€™s deep psyche. The 12th house is responsible for the individualโ€™s subconscious and unconscious, while is also connected with self-sacrifice, secrets, the supernatural and the occult. In addition, the 6th/12th axis shows that your life lesson involves your attitude towards daily routines, the health of your body, while also job and service towards others. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 12th house must dedicate himself entirely to expanding his spirituality. The South Node in the 6thโ€ฆ

North Node in the 11th House

Having your North Node in the 11th house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 5th house. This natal placement of the North Node indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning oneโ€™s friends, while also groups and organizations of which the native is a member. In addition, the axis shows that your life lesson also involves your attitude towards your love life and affairs, while also children and your relations with them. In addition, it poses dilemmas between your private and public life. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 11th house must focus on his friendship circles. As the 11th house is the realm of Aquarius andโ€ฆ

North Node in the 10th House

For fulfilling our cause, the North Node strengthens everything it touches. Of course, a lot of fears can be present concerning the direction it indicates, as it is a terra incognita yet to be discovered. Yet, the North Node is quite beneficial when in conjunction with any planet present in the house, even if it is a โ€œmaleficโ€. Naturally, a malefic planet adversely aspected will still remain a rather harsh lesson to learn. Spiritual growth will be eventually reached; even if it comes through difficulties, but generally expect the North Node of the Moon to bless you with an expansion of the positive traits of any planet nearby.โ€ฆ

North Node in the 9th House

Having your North Node in the 9th house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 3rd house. This natal placement of the nodes indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning communication, information flow, and knowledge. In addition, the axis shows that your life lesson also involves your attitude towards your spirituality and religion, foreign cultures, and languages and how you interact with them. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 9th house must concentrate on developing his spiritual skills during this incarnation. The North Node always shows what road we must follow in order to develop ourselves, and most of the times it is not the easiest oneโ€ฆ

North Node in the 8th House

Having your North Node in the 8th house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 2nd house. This natal placement of the nodes indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning your belongings, possessions, and money. In addition, the axis shows that your life lesson also involves your attitude towards other peopleโ€™s assets and the way you use them. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 8th house must concentrate on developing his occult skills, and learn through transformation. The North Node always shows us what road we must follow in order to develop ourselves, and most of the times it is not the easiest one to choose. Mostโ€ฆ

North Node in the 7th House

Having your North Node in the 7th house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 1st house. This natal placement of the North Node indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning oneโ€™s relationships and partnerships, while also influences his perception of Ego. In addition, the 7h/1st axis shows that your life lesson involves your attitude towards unification with other people and sharing your reality, while also is strongly connected to the terms โ€œcontractโ€, โ€œagreementโ€ and even โ€œopen enemiesโ€. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 7th house must dedicate himself towards the difficult task of joining forces with other individuals. This is something he failed doing during previousโ€ฆ

North Node in the 6th House

Having your North Node in the 6th house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 12th house. This natal placement of the North Node indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning oneโ€™s daily routines and health, while also his work and relations with co-workers, employers or employees. In addition, the 6th/12th axis shows that your life lesson involves your attitude towards secrets, the occult, and places of restriction, while also the option of leaving behind your past lives and concentrating on your current reality. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 6th house must dedicate himself entirely to his current lifetime. The South Node in the 12th houseโ€ฆ

North Node in the 5th House

The North Node in the 5th house signifies a karmic need to concentrate on developing your own self through fun activities. It acts as a benefic point, empowering any creative abilities that a person has. Expanding them is a duty that he is destined to accomplish, as the North Node will conspire to bring to the native the most inspiring surroundings to develop them. The native will definitely have to fight some personal fears concerning such matters, as they are not strongly imprinted in his unconscious from previous incarnations. Yet, the events of his life themselves will aid him a lot in that quest.โ€ฆ

North Node in the 4th House

Having your North Node in the 4th house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 10th house. This natal placement of the nodes indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning oneโ€™s home, family, roots, and tradition. In addition, the axis shows that your life lesson also involves your attitude towards your career and poses dilemmas between domestic life and work. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 4th house must concentrate on the creation of family, his real estate property, and even agriculture during this incarnation. The North Node always shows what road we must follow in order to develop ourselves, and most of the times it isโ€ฆ

North Node in the 3rd House

Having your North Node in the 3rd house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 9th house. This natal placement of the nodes indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning communication, information flow, and knowledge. In addition, the axis shows that your life lesson also involves your attitude towards your immediate surroundings and how you interact with them. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 3rd house must concentrate on developing his intellectual skills during this incarnation. The North Node always shows what road we must follow in order to develop ourselves, and most of the times it is not the easiest one to choose. Most people usuallyโ€ฆ

North Node in the 2nd House

Having your North Node in the 2nd house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 8th house. This natal placement of the nodes indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning your belongings, possessions, and money. In addition, the axis shows that your life lesson also involves your attitude towards other peopleโ€™s money and how you use it. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 2nd house must concentrate on standing on his own legs during this incarnation. The North Node always shows what road we must follow in order to develop ourselves, and most of the times it is not the easiest one to choose. Most people usuallyโ€ฆ

North Node in the 1st House

Having your North Node in the 1st house of your natal chart also automatically means that the South Node is located in the 7th house. This natal placement of the nodes indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning your own self and your partnerships in this incarnation. As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 1st house must concentrate on developing his own independent self during the current lifetime. The North Node indicates the path that the native should follow in order to fulfill his life role, and even if we subconsciously are aware of it, we rarely strive to walk that road. Usually, we feel quite uncomfortable about marching towards fulfilling matters of the house whereโ€ฆ

Each planets have a different effect on you, depending on which house and sign they reside in. In order to find out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use ourย free birth chart generator. Also, examine the aspects that they form with other planets in your chart. You will understand a lot more about the detailed role that they have in your horoscope.